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More than 10 million translated words

I am Ivana Gunglova, a translator with 17 years of experience in translations from English to Slovak. 

My motivation is to produce texts that read
as original, and not just a translation.

Marketing, IT, business, legal, hospitality, EU, subtitles, transcreation, copywriting? These are all areas where I can reliably help you.

Expert in Slovak Language


I offer years of experience in different domains. I will only accept a translation when I can assure that I can reliably take care of it.

Quality Management

I have vast experience as a language and team lead, inspecting quality of translations and ensuring consistently high-standard.

Project Management

I can manage your entire project using different project management tools, to meet your needs and expectations.


Translation is sometimes not enough to express the same thought to a different audience. That is when the transcreation comes to the scene.


With the background and experience in marketing and advertising, I can prepare the entire texts for your website, presentations, company documents.

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